Pranarom Patchouli Essential Oil 5 ml


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Patchouli Essential Oil 5 ml
Patchouli Essential Oil 5 ml


   Originally from Indonesia and much more known and used in perfumery than in aromatic therapy, patchouli does not lack attractiveness for its therapeutic properties for lymphatic and venous circulation.

Tips & tricks:

   -A perfume "patchouli" for those who love this characteristic fragrance: 5 drops AEQT Patchouli + 1 drop AEQT Ponderosa pine + 1 drop AEQT Grapefruit + 100 drops of Jojoba AV.


   * 2 drops 3 times a day on a neutral support (honey, sugar cane or vegetable oil).

   -Oral use
   -Cutaneous use
   -Atmospheric diffusion
   -Inhalation spray
   -Use with caution


   • In its pure state can cause skin irritation (dermocaustic).
   • Keep out of reach of young children.
   • It is advisable to follow a varied and balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.
   • Do not exceed the recommended dose.
   • Except for the opinion of an expert, do not use during pregnancy, lactation or in children under 3 years.
   • Keep away from all sources of heat and light.


  • Referência5420008526589
  • Quantidade5 ml, 10 ml
  • MarcaPranarom
  • Gama de produtosAceites Esenciales Bio

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Pranarom Patchouli Essential Oil 5 ml

Patchouli Essential Oil 5 ml

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