Solgar Thistle de leite (Silybum marianum) 50Cap.veg.


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Thistle de leite (Silybum marianum) 50Cap.veg.
Thistle de leite (Silybum marianum) 50Cap.veg.
Thistle de leite (Silybum marianum) 50Cap.veg.


The exceptional benefits of Milk Thistle are due to its powerful antioxidant properties, which help to optimize health and well being.*

Many scientific studies now underscore the ability of Milk Thistle to help maintain healthy liver function by supporting the structure of the outer cell membrane of liver cells.*


  • Referência033984039711
  • Unidades100 hojas, 50
  • MarcaSolgar
  • Gama de produtosSolgar Productos Herbarios

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Solgar Thistle de leite (Silybum marianum) 50Cap.veg.

Thistle de leite (Silybum marianum) 50Cap.veg.

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