Obire Beta-Carotene 90 Pearls


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Beta-Carotene 90 Pearls
Beta-Carotene 90 Pearls



-Vitamin A is essential to maintain good vision, skin and bones.

-Antioxidant: Prevents cellular aging by reducing the effect of free radicals.

-Pro vitamin A: It has the ability to become vitamin A when the body needs it. 

-The advantage of beta carotene over vitamin A is that its excess is not toxic, but accumulates in fat and helps to 
protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

-It activates melanin, protecting the skin against the sun's rays, in addition to providing a tanning action.

Instructions for use:

As a dietary supplement take 1 pearl a day.


  • Referência8435041341645
  • MarcaObire
  • Gama de produtosObire Antioxidants

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Obire Beta-Carotene 90 Pearls

Beta-Carotene 90 Pearls

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