Mavala Diluente para Verniz 10 ml

Before applying nail polish, it is advisable to check its consistency.
If it is too thick, add a few drops of Mavala Diluent and shake the bottle vigorously.
Instructions for use:
For thick enamels, add a few drops of thinner, shake and let stand before use.
If it is too thick, add a few drops of Mavala Diluent and shake the bottle vigorously.
Instructions for use:
For thick enamels, add a few drops of thinner, shake and let stand before use.

Mavala é uma marca mundialmente conhecida de cosméticos para as mãos, unhas, rosto, olhos, pernas e pés, cabelos, etc.
- Referência7618900916050
- SexoMulher
- MarcaMavala
- Quantidade10 ml
Comentários dos clientes
Mavala Diluente para Verniz 10 ml