Mavala Extra Gentle Pink Polish Remover 100 ml


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Extra Gentle Pink Polish Remover 100 ml
Extra Gentle Pink Polish Remover 100 ml


Acetone-free nail polish remover, which removes nail polish without leaving any traces of colour. 

Recommended for all types of nails, especially fragile, dry and brittle nails.

Instructions for use:

  - Eliminate the enamel maintaining and pressing a few seconds the cotton soaked in nail polish remover. 
Mavala é uma marca mundialmente conhecida de cosméticos para as mãos, unhas, rosto, olhos, pernas e pés, cabelos, etc.


  • Referência7618900912205
  • SexoMulher
  • Quantidade100 ml
  • MarcaMavala

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Mavala Extra Gentle Pink Polish Remover 100 ml

Extra Gentle Pink Polish Remover 100 ml

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