Dietisa Sap Ip (soja lecitina)


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Sap Ip (soja lecitina)
Sap Ip (soja lecitina)


Nutritional preparation of soy lecithin that helps maintain normal cholesterol levels.

Savid IP (Identity preserved) offers the highest quality and homogeneity in its nutritional contributions, as well as Guaranteed traceability, which ensures the absence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), from their seeds and culture, to the complete elaboration of the product.

Soy Lecithin Savid IP is a natural mixture of phospholipids, mainly phosphatidylcholine

It is recommended to take 2 tablespoons per day (12 g). Can be consumed alone or incorporated to meals


  • Referência8414200129034
  • MarcaDietisa
  • Gama de produtosAlimentación Saludable

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Dietisa Sap Ip (soja lecitina)

Sap Ip (soja lecitina)

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