Mavala Creme para as mãos 120 ml


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Creme para as mãos 120 ml
Creme para as mãos 120 ml


In the day to day beauty care for dry, damaged hands or those who simply want to be protected. 

This cream has a penetrating active ingredient that leaves a non-sticky protective layer that prevents damage such as pollution or weather conditions. 

Perfectly homogeneous, MAVALA Hand Cream softens the skin and prevents it from flaking.

Instructions for use:

  - Massage a small amount of cream, paying attention to the back of the hands, not forgetting the elbows and knees.

  - To use after washing your hands and before going to sleep, this way you can make effect during the night.
Mavala é uma marca mundialmente conhecida de cosméticos para as mãos, unhas, rosto, olhos, pernas e pés, cabelos, etc.


  • Referência7618900920552
  • SexoMulher
  • Problema resolvidoHidratantes
  • Zona do corpoMãos, Rosto e pescoço
  • Quantidade120 ml
  • MarcaMavala
  • FormatoCreme

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Mavala Creme para as mãos 120 ml

Creme para as mãos 120 ml

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